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Varios agentes heridos en Salónica durante protestas por el acuerdo entre Atenas y Skopie

© REUTERS / Alexandros AvramidisProtestas en la ciudad griega de Salónica
Protestas en la ciudad griega de Salónica - Sputnik Mundo
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ATENAS (Sputnik) — Al menos 15 agentes resultaron heridos en la ciudad griega de Salónica tras enfrentarse a los manifestantes que protestaban por el cambio de nombre de la Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia, informó el diario Kathimerini.

Fueron detenidas 28 personas, de las cuales ocho, incluyendo dos menores de edad y una mujer que llevaba drogas encima, siguen bajo custodia.

Durante la concentración de ayer [el 8 de septiembre], convocada bajo el lema 'Macedonia es Grecia', un centenar de encapuchados se separaron de la multitud, lanzaron adoquines y cócteles Molotov hacia las fuerzas del orden y agredieron a periodistas que estaban cubriendo el evento.

© REUTERS / Alexandros AvramidisA priest takes part in a demonstration against the agreement reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve a dispute over the former Yugoslav republic's name, during the opening of the annual International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Thessaloniki, Greece, September 8, 2018. REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis
Protestas en la ciudad griega de Salónica - Sputnik Mundo
A priest takes part in a demonstration against the agreement reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve a dispute over the former Yugoslav republic's name, during the opening of the annual International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Thessaloniki, Greece, September 8, 2018. REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis
© REUTERS / Costas BaltasA protester wearing gas mask argues with police at a demonstration against the agreement reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve a dispute over the former Yugoslav republic's name, during the opening of the annual International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Thessaloniki, Greece, September 8, 2018. REUTERS/Costas Baltas
Protestas en la ciudad griega de Salónica - Sputnik Mundo
A protester wearing gas mask argues with police at a demonstration against the agreement reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve a dispute over the former Yugoslav republic's name, during the opening of the annual International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Thessaloniki, Greece, September 8, 2018. REUTERS/Costas Baltas
© REUTERS / Alexandros AvramidisProtesters take part in a demonstration against the agreement reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve a dispute over the former Yugoslav republic's name, during the opening of the annual International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Thessaloniki, Greece, September 8, 2018. REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis
Protestas en la ciudad griega de Salónica - Sputnik Mundo
Protesters take part in a demonstration against the agreement reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve a dispute over the former Yugoslav republic's name, during the opening of the annual International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Thessaloniki, Greece, September 8, 2018. REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis
A priest takes part in a demonstration against the agreement reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve a dispute over the former Yugoslav republic's name, during the opening of the annual International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Thessaloniki, Greece, September 8, 2018. REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis
A protester wearing gas mask argues with police at a demonstration against the agreement reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve a dispute over the former Yugoslav republic's name, during the opening of the annual International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Thessaloniki, Greece, September 8, 2018. REUTERS/Costas Baltas
Protesters take part in a demonstration against the agreement reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve a dispute over the former Yugoslav republic's name, during the opening of the annual International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Thessaloniki, Greece, September 8, 2018. REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis

​La policía respondió con gas lacrimógeno y granadas aturdidoras a los radicales que intentaron saltarse los cordones y abrirse paso hacia el centro de convenciones Vellidio, donde el primer ministro de Grecia, Alexis Tsipras, estaba dando un discurso.

Banderas de Macedonia - Sputnik Mundo
El presidente de Macedonia califica de "suicidio legal" el acuerdo sobre cambio de nombre
Durante los disturbios, que se prolongaron por más de tres horas, quedaron destrozadas las ventanas del Ayuntamiento y numerosos comercios, empedrado, vehículos y contenedores de basura.

El portavoz de la protesta, Michalis Patsikas, acusó al gobierno de haber "instigado y administrado los disturbios"; y a la policía, de haber cargado contra los manifestantes en lugar de defenderles.

En declaraciones a Sputnik, Patsikas dijo que las fuerzas del orden cerraron las salidas desde el paseo marítimo para bloquear a la multitud en el lugar donde se había concentrado.

"Fue una orden asesina, querían que la gente muriera, querían arrojarnos al mar", afirmó.

El pasado 17 de junio, Atenas y Skopie zanjaron una disputa de casi tres décadas sobre el nombre de la Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia, que se llamará Macedonia del Norte en el futuro, y acordaron establecer una relación de asociación estratégica entre las dos naciones.

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